Using Outcomes on Audiology Websites
By Geoffrey Cooling on 10th July 2016
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Why Outcomes Matter To Prospects
I wrote an article quite a while ago about using outcomes in audiology marketing, it was one of those quick ones that I wrote out after coming up with an idea. In essence, I didn't really explore the concept deeply in the article but I think people got the gist.
As I discussed a couple of articles ago, we ourselves have been on a journey of discovery when it comes to website layout. We have a better understanding of what we need to do to engage prospect viewers and hopefully move them to a contact.
While we understand the structure that we need to use in a better way, we are still designing web elements that will allow us to do it. One of the things I am working on is outcomes, how will I present an element that provides an engaging view of the outcomes that someone will achieve by moving forward with the business represented. We already have some ideas and we will get there, but I want to explain why it is important.
Emotion and Logic in Buying Decisions
In every major purchase, there is buying decision process undertaken. That process involves emotional and logical processes. Our understanding of this has evolved and it is at the root of our new thought processes. The process that a prospect goes through to make a contact from a website is in fact, a buying process. The culmination of that process for us is the contact, the long term culmination is a purchase from the business. So we need to address the buying process in our websites.
The process
The recipe for the process seems to be, emotion, logic, logic, logic, emotion and logic. I discussed our framework to meet these different needs in the article Structuring Audiology Webpages. The initial emotional context is the matching to their problems. The secondary emotional context is allowing them to imagine outcomes after we have fixed their problems.
This secondary emotional element is just as important as the primary element. In fact, it actually may be more important. It is the ability for them to perceive and imagine outcomes that will drive the contact decision. So we need to deliver an element in our web design that details the possible outcomes and allows them to imagine them for themselves.
As always, I have no doubt that this will involve a lot of experimentation and me shouting at my laptop. God love my neighbours they must think I am nuts, I think throwing a particularly slow and irritating laptop out of the kitchen window confirmed that for them. I am truly glad I had the presence of mind to open it first, even the unconscious part of my brain is afraid of the wife!
Your Website Needs Outcomes
We score decent enough conversion of prospect viewers to contacts. We believe that we can increase that rate if we do our job better. We believe that using outcomes will do that for us. Maybe you should consider the use of outcomes as well.